10X Your income - 10X your FREE time - 10X your customers - 10X your wealth & health
The Simple Secret to Achieving 1000% Better Results...
"Grant Cardone has hit the nail on the head with The 10X Rule- telling you the real reason people succeed in any area of life!" - Brian Tracy
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If you want to achieve extreme success, you can't operate like everybody else and settle for mediocrity…
The 10X Rule shows you how!
Success is your duty… Your obligation… And your responsibility…

This book gives you step-by-step guidance on how to achieve phenomenal success for yourself!
  • Create unprecedented levels of happiness and satisfaction in every area of your life
  •  Use fear as fuel to move you into action
  •  Get everything you want and never have to settle
  •  Dominate your competition and become a role model for success
  •  Expand your customer base (both at the TOP, and at the bottom)
  •  Grow your team of rockstars, so you don’t have to do ALL the work
  •  Propel yourself into a life where you have abundant TIME, abundant MONEY...and you can do what you want, when you want, with who you want!
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2. Tired Of Missing Sales EBook - Discover The 3 Most Common Reasons Your Or Your Sales Team Is Missing Sales, And How To Fix This Immediately… ($6.95 Value)

3. 10 Biggest Follow-Up Mistakes EBook
- Here’s The 10 Biggest Follow-Up Mistakes Most People Make In Their Business, And How To Almost Immediately Increase Your Conversion Rates… ($6.95 Value)

4. 10 Mistakes That Kill Your Deal EBook
- Have You Ever Blown Or Lost A Deal That You Think Should Have Been Closed? In This EBook, Grant Goes Over The Top 10 Deal-Killers And How To Avoid These Like The Plague… ($6.95 Value)

5. How To Fill A Pipeline EBook
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"Grant Cardone's 10X Rule helped me generate nearly 1 Million in total sales since the start of my business."
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"This book is a motivational monster! Packed with ideas to get you taking more action and moving towards your goals."
- Dan Beckwick
"Grant Cardone's The 10X Rule. Could be the new Think and Grow Rich. This is really good!"
- Claude S. Whitacre
"In The 10X Rule, entrepreneur Grant Cardone shows you how to achieve success no matter your background, genetic make-up, or personal connections. In his view, success stems from working ten time harder than anyone else." 
- Gary Stern
Why so many people are talking 
about the 10X rule
Why Am I Giving You This Book For FREE?
My whole life, I’ve been told I couldn’t have ‘the dream life’...

I was told that what I wanted was impossible.  

There will be people out there you will tell you that you “CAN’T”...
  • ​Can’t have more…
  •  Can’t do better…
  •  Can’t hit your goal...
  •  Can’t give more…
And I want to show you why the life you want IS possible, and how you CAN get there!

And because… 

The 10X Rule literally changed my LIFE.  

It gave me more TIME to spend with my family…

It took away the STRESS of pushing so hard every day, trying to build the dream life...  

And it allowed me to add employees and scale my business, without having to do ALL of the work on my own.

That’s EXACTLY what I want for you…
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Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy your copy of The 10X Rule!

Be Great!
Grant Cardone
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

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